Barbados Gays and Lesbians Against Discrimination
Provides information on and efforts to combat discrimination of gays and lesbians in Barbados. Forum for Bajans to meet and share ideas.
Gay Puerto Rico
Places to go, organizations and links related to the Gay Community in Puerto Rico.
J-FLAG - Jamaican Gay and Lesbian Organization
The Jamaica Forum of Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays (J-FLAG) is committed to working towards a Jamaican society in which the human rights and equality of lesbians, all-sexuals and gays are guaranteed. The organisation will engage in initiatives that will foster the acceptance and enrichment of the lives of same-gender-loving persons who have been, and continue to be, an integral part of society.
Latin American & Caribbean Gay & Lesbian B
Bibliography of gay and lesbian materials for Latin America & the Caribbean in the University of Chicago Library.
Pridenet Guide to the Islands
A small directory of nightclubs and bars, restaurants, accommodations, retail businesses, support groups and publications in some Caribbean countries.
St Lucia - Looshagays
Mailing list for gay men and women from St. Lucia and the Caribbean living in any part of the world.
Yahoo! Groups: Caribbean Gay
Discussion forum for gay men of the islands.