english deutsch
Annie Aird Photography
Photos of street scenes.
Cuba gallery
Photos arranged by location, including Trinidad, Pinar del Rio, and Cienfuegos.
Cuba Pictures
Photos of buildings, people, and landscapes, from all around the island.
Cuba Study Tour
Maps, photos, and narrative of a geographer's first visit to the island. Also includes links and information about Cuban-US Sister Cities.
Cuba Travel Photo Gallery
Images of daily-life by Dutch travel photographer Hans Hendriksen.
Foto Cuba
Galleries of photographs, searchable by keywords. [English/Spanish]
Hans Rossel Travel Photography
Photos of western Cuba and the Havana area, including buildings, stores, and transportation.
Images of Cuba
Color and black and white photos by Paul Shustak.
Jorge Tutor
Photos from Havana, Trinidad, Las Terrazas, and Cienfuegos.
Photo Tour of Cuba
From bike tours which include Havana, Trinidad, and Cienfuegos.
Temple of Cuba
Photo essays of culture and people.
University of Texas Map Collection
Collection of current political and relief maps, as well as historical maps from Cuban independence to recent years.
Photos of Cuban musicians, artists, and ordinary people, with collection of links.