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Ambassador Hotel Kaohsiung
Provides a list of services and facilities, directions, and online reservations.
Around Kaohsiung
Provides neighborhood profiles, articles of interest, news, and a community directory.
Gallery of Kaohsiung
Provides categorized photo galleries, city facts, and related links.
Horng Yih, Inc.
Features the company profile and introduction to its reverse osmosis system products.
Howard Plaza Hotel Kaohsiung
Offers room and restaurant descriptions, location details, photos, and rates.
Travel guide offers photos, descriptions of scenic areas, suggested tour itineraries, and a local business directory.
Kaohsiung City Government
Official site offers information on local government, tourism, culture, and business.
Kaohsiung Importers and Exporters Association
Commercial group of over 400 trading companies. Provides a mission statement, list of directors, and a member directory.
Kaohsiung International Airport
Provides an airport map, departure times, directory of airlines, and local photos.
Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hos
Details the hospital's historical events, features, departmental information, and area map.
Kaohsiung Municipal Library
Provides a brief history, list of services, and contact details.
Language Schools in Kaohsiung
Provides a directory of and contact details for local English language schools.
Love River Association
Documents and illustrates the history and natural history surrounding Love River in Kaohsiung.
Mission.net: Kaohsiung
Provides details of reunions, links, and photos of former Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints missionaries.
National Kaohsiung First University of Science &am
Offers a mission statement, location details, history, list of student activities, and photos.
National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences
Offers an institution history, campus map, organization chart, faculty information and photographs.
National University of Kaohsiung
Provides details on the institution's goals, departmental information, photos, news, and photos.
Port of Kaohsiung
Official site offers harbor maps, general facts, weather information, facility details, and vessel arrival and departure times.
Royal Lees Hotel
Provides hotel information, room description, rates and contact details.
St. Paul's Church
Offers address details, photos, and a schedule of activities and services.
Taiwan Maritime Capital - Kaohsiung
Features brief introduction, business, living and tourism facilities in Kaohsiung.
The Kaohsiung Incident of 1979
Details the December 10th, 1979 clash between police and pro-democracy demonstrators. Includes quotes and photos.
Travel In Taiwan: Kaohsiung
Details the local attractions and scenic areas, with photographs.
Voyage Wide Industrial Co., Ltd.
Manufacturer of PP corrugated plastic, polycarbonate and anti-static sheets. Includes photos and contact details.
Yahoo! Weather: Kaohsiung
Provides a five-day forecast of weather conditions.