CIA: The World Factbook: Korea, North
Basic data about the country, including geography, population, economy, government and military.
Encarta: Korea, North
Article on the country from the online encyclopedia Encarta.
Infoplease: Korea, North
Brief country profile, history, and map from Information Please almanac. Korea, North
Brief information and statistics on the country.
Library of Congress: North Korea, a Country Study
Profiles the country's history, society, economy, government, politics and military. 1993 edition.
U.S. Department of State: Country Information: Kor
Background information on the country, plus US State Department reports and press releases, remarks by US officials and Web links to other resources.
Wikipedia: North Korea
Detailed encyclopedia article, available in numerous languages, includes facts and figures, links to related topics.
WorldRover Guide: North Korea
North Korea maps, facts, and travel guides.