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Alumni for Colleges and Universities in Malaysia
Meet up your ex-College, ex-University Mates or ex-Classmates here. All in Malaysia.
Allows Malaysians all over the world to find their old school friends through members listings and a search function.
Malaysians Reunited
Reunites friends who once attended the same schools, colleges and universities.
Old Frees' Association Kuala Lumpur and Selan
Official website of the OFA. Aims to bring Old Frees of all walks of life closer into a closely knit online community.
SMJK Chung Hwa Alumni
This website serves as a virtual meeting place for existing Chung Hwa students and senior students graduated from SMJK Chung Hwa.
The Oxford and Cambridge Society, Malaysia
The Society aims to promotes social, recreational and cultural activities among members, and to further causes or projects in the interest of the Universities or members.