All Japan Revival Mission
Holds revival meetings around the country in order to lead all of Japan to Christ.
Alpha Japan
A chapter in Japan that holds a series of talks addressing key issues relating to the Christian faith.
Christian Arts Network
Aims to connect, equip, encourage and mobilize a broad range of believers, in particular artists, who will be creative, innovative leaders of a massive turning to the worship of Jesus Christ in Japan.
Christian Surfers Japan
Aims to present the gospel of Jesus Christ in an understandable form to the surfing sub-culture, and also offer monthly activities such as day trips, surf movie nights, skate nights, and surfing competitions.
Japan Campus Crusade for Christ
List of the ministries, event schedule, and the Four Spiritual Laws in Japanese. Based in Tokorozawa City, Saitama.
Discussions of a general nature related to life in Japan as a minister or missionary.
Japanese Christian Fellowship Network
Organization conducting and promoting the follow-ups for returning Christians from foreign countries to Japan.