english deutsch
A photo journal of time spent in Japan as an expat.
Personal site about living and travelling in Japan.
Nichi Nichi
Comments and news on Japanese politics, law, and society.
Nihongo Chick
Page aiming to help language beginners.
Nippon Daze
Memories of Japan from a former JET participant.
Nippon Goro Goro
A web log authored by an anonymous foreign correspondent in Tokyo.
Nishigawa Kobo
General interest site maintained by Chris Ryal and Yaemi Shigyo. Includes essays, stories, poetry, photographs, and illustrations on literature, art and design, and everyday life. Content in English and Japanese.
Notes from Pure Land Mountain
Journal of an American living in the Japanese countryside.
Notes To Myself
Darren Cheng's web log journal. Includes a whiteboard, chat area, drawings, photos, and forums.
Pride by Noriko
Page by a Japanese photographer/artist with photography, illustrations, crafts and cooking pages. Bilingual.
The Narrow Road to the South
A collection of photos from an expat's life in Japan, mostly in Kyushu.