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A Little Snapshot of my Krazy Life in Japan
Personal page of JET Program participant in Miyagi, with anecdotes, photos, friends, and links.
Lani's Photo Tour of Tokyo
Pictures and descriptions of a summer in Tokyo.
Personal happenings of a long-term foreign resident in Japan.
Lew's Japan Page
Includes living and working in Japan information, booklist of Japan-related books; language and other links.
Life in Japan - A Gaijin's Perspective
Some musings on living in Tokyo and being a foreigner there.
Life in Japan - Trials and Tribulations of Michael
The experiences of Michael Bland living in Japan as an American and his appearances on Japanese TV.
Life in Japan 2003
Focuses on personal pictures and video clips of Japanese places and items.
Little Maisha's Great World
Maisha's personal page maintaining her digital album of photographs and video clips of different ages from the early birth to share with all.
Living in Japan
Tom Baker's several personal essays on life in Japan.
Living North of Lucky
Freelance writer's book based on nine years of living in Nagano, with sample chapters and photos.
Lynne's Home Page
Personal home page of a 2 year AET in Shiga, with lots of links to life in Japan.