english deutsch
C. Buddha's Hasty Musings
Personal reflections of life in Japan, along with people the author meets.
Strange site with some Information on Japan about Goods, Singers, Cartoonists, Teams, Map of Amusement Parks, and so on.
Cerebral Soup
Personal stories of life in Japan and dealing with the Japanese people.
CG Ukiyoe Tataharu Works Collection
A computer graphics artist creates ukiyoe-like pictures by computer.
Charlee's Pages
A photo album of a year in Japan. With blog, photos, music, and some movies. In English, Hungarian, and Japanese.
Chigasaki Gaijin
Photojournal of an American who taught English and lived in Chigasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture.
Chris and Katie in Japan
Shows two assistant English teacher's experiences in Japan while on the JET Program.
Experiences of dressing as a maiko, holidays, omiya-mairi, travel, and links.
CicoNata Page
Experiences of dressing as a maiko, holidays, omiya-mairi, travel, and links.
Examples of Japanese web artist's Flash movies, themed on flying through outer space. Macromedia Flash Player required.
Cyberworld of Chaudhry
Includes personal essays on Japan, biography, and links.