english deutsch
Amnesty International Annual Report on Japan
AI's report on Japanese abuses of authority during 2002.
Ana Bortz's Law Suit and Minority Rights in J
Article on Japanese 20th century immigration, influx of migrants, Japanese reactions, and a discrimination lawsuit filed to protect civil rights from racial prejudice.
Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Instit
Information aimed to eliminate discrimination, particularly for the Buraku problem in Japan.
Children'sRights Network of Japan
Discusses marriage, children, divorce and parental abduction in Japan, as well as the lack of joint custody and enforcable child visitation rights in family law.
Fathers' Rights In Japan
A bulletin board for fathers to discuss denied visitation or custody of their Japanese children and to advocate changes to Japanese family law.
Japan - Country Report on Human Rights Practices,
The annual U.S. government appraisal of Japanese laws, courts, human rights, and treatment of minorities, for 2004.
Japan Civil Liberties Union (JCLU)
Independent, non-profit organization which aims to protect and promote human rights for all persons regardless of beliefs, religion, or political opinion.
Mitsubishi Lawsuit
Details of a workplace racial discrimination lawsuit in Japan.
Owed Justice: Thai Women Trafficked into Debt Bond
Report on trafficking in women to fill Japan's sex industry, forced labor and rights violations, servitude, and practices similar to slavery.
Patients Rights in Japan
Provides history of patient rights in the 20th century as well as the rise of advocacy groups and case studies on the mentally ill.
The Otaru Lawsuit Info Site
Regularly updated site on a suit against the Otaru City government and Hokkaido hot spring owners banning foreigners.