english deutsch
College of Business and Communication
Located in Kawasaki City. With courses in Japanese language, international business, and computers. Gives tuition and fees, qualifications, admissions, examinations, and dormitory guide.
Ferris University, College of Music
From two campuses in Yokohama, Ferris University offers women undergraduate and graduate degrees in the musical arts. Extensive soundclips (MP3, WMA) can be heard online.
Kanagawa Dental College
Includes guide to education and current research, information on research labs, school of dental technology, and library.
Kanagawa Institute of Technology
Gives profile, student life, and history of the institute, along with details of the departments of mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering, applied chemistry, mechanical systems engineering, and information and computer sciences. Located in Atsugi City.
Kanagawa University
With multiple campuses. Includes guide to facilities, research institute, faculties and university high school.
Keio University, Shonan-Fujisawa Campus
Offers campus access, map, outline, campus tour, admissions, and faculty profile.
Musashi Institute of Technology
Features faculties and graduate schools of engineering, and environmental and information studies. Gives history, campus life, news, and access, and organizational chart. With two campuses in Setagaya and Yokohama.