english deutsch
Amikas - Fukuoka
Bilingual page for women's rights advocacy group. With symposia, forums, library, and online essays.
Dazaifu Tenmangu
One of Japan's most famous shrines, with access, history, map and guide, and plum trees.
Fukuoka City Foundation for Arts and Cultural Prom
Provides support to the people of Fukuoka for artistic and cultural activities to promote a network to enable Fukuoka to become a key center for cultural exchange.
Fukuoka Guide
English lifestyle information for Fukuoka's international community.
Fukuoka History
Dedicated to the history of Fukuoka Prefecture.
Fukuoka Live
A free and anonymous English chat and exchange board for residents of Fukuoka.
Hakata Toumyou Lantern Arts Festival
A festival of lanterns lighting up the various area of Fukuoka City, uniting a traditional event with modern art.
Japan Atlas: Hakata Dontaku
Description of this colorful festival on May 3 and 4 in Fukuoka City.
Kitakyushu International Association (KIA)
Provides information on daily life to foreign residents, sponsors homestay and visit programs, carries out exchange projects , conducts language classes, and holds seminars and workshops on international exchange.
Kokusai Hiroba
Offers information about life in Japan and Fukuoka and has professional consultation services on a variety of subjects. For Japanese people, there is information about studying abroad, international volunteer opportunities, and other international exchange related matters.
Prisoner of Camp #1 - Fukuoka, Japan
An insight into life and death at a POW camp in wartime Fukuoka. With actual testimonies of those who were there, both Allied and Japanese.
The Asian-Pacific Children's Convention in Fu
Holds cultural meets and festivals with international themes to promote world peace and understanding.
Tiempo Iberoamericano Latin Culture Center
A non-profit organization created in 1997 by several Iberoamericans and Japanese interested in promoting cultural exchange through the learning of Spanish and Portuguese languages. Based in Tenjin, Fukuoka City.