ASCII Corporation, Cincom Japan, Datacraft Co., Ltd., IngSystem Corporation, MediaLinks Home page, Oracle Japan
About Recruit Co.,Ltd. (Japan)
Japanese publisher seeking strategic alliances with internet companies. Site includes corporate mission, e-business, background and current partnerships.
DONN Group International
Saitama based company offering webpage and database design, software development, web hosting, IT consultancy,and website analysis tools.
Fujitsu Japan
International manufacturer of computers, supercomputers, desktops and laptops. In English and Japanese.
Inter-Tel Japan
Provides managed communications services and business telephone systems, related call processing software, voice processing and unified messaging software and Internet Protocol (IP) telephony software.
Manufactures telecommunications equipment, computers and semiconductors. Parent company of Yashica and Contax cameras.
Mitsui and Company, Ltd.
General trading company, with close ties to telecommunications and computers. Nokia KK and Nihon Unisys are both in the Mitsui group.
Provider of networks, routers, hubs, TCP/IP products, and systems integration.
SimNet Computing Networks Japan
Provides solutions for foreign companies in Tokyo for networking planning implementation, email software, internet, infrastructure, and cabling.