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Information and detailed (sometimes literally step-by-step) instructions for guests and hosts.
Chado, The Way of Tea
Introduction, history, principles, and links to chado sites. Illustrated.
Discover Japanese Tea Ceremony (Chado)
The Chado (Sado), or Japanese Tea Ceremony is a study or discipine of preparing, serving and drinking green tea.
Rules of Etiquette for Guests at a Japanese Tea Ceremony.
Japanese Tetsubin
Care instructions and brief history of Japanese cast-iron tea kettles (tetsubin).
Nambu Ironware
Short history of metalwork in Nambu, where iron kettles for the tea ceremony are still made in the traditional way.
Ocha Sado Chanoyu
Explanation of the tea ceremony, with illustrations of typical utensils used to perform it.
Ogasawara Sencha Service School
Essay on the history and appreciation of tea by this school's headmaster.
Omotesenke Foundation of Florida
Intro to chanoyu covering history and philosophy, objects used in the ceremony, and a glossary of tea ceremony terminology.
Tea Ceremony - TeaHyakka Magazine
A monthly online magazine covering all aspects of the Japanese Tea Ceremony.
Tea Ceremony Introduction
Shows how the decorations of the tea house and utensils used in the tea ceremony are changed according to the seasons.
Teapot Salon
Types, preparation and serving instructions.
The Japanese Tea Ceremony (Chaji)
Detailed information.
The Tea Ceremony
Short history of the ceremony, and of its effects on other art forms and on the Japanese culture of today.
The Urasenke Konnichian Web Site
Short biographies of the successive masters of the tea school established by the great 16th century tea master, Rikyu.
Urasenke Tradition of Tea
Gives introduction and history of tea ceremony, and lineage of the Urasenke family and organization.