english deutsch
Wales, Leo Edward
P.T. Rahajasa Media Internet, Jakarta.
Welcome to WOOFY's Personal Page
A personal page of a senior doing Bachelor of Fine Art in Graphic Design at University of Missouri - Columbia.
Wiaksomo, Jati
Pondok Indah, Jakarta.
Widjaja, Jonathan Hiemawan
Indonesian Chinese graduate in computer management from Surabaya Technichal High School (STTS). Photo album.
Widjaja, Kristian
Includes profile and photos.
Winata, Esther
Includes biography, links to chinese and indonesian sites and personal photographs with captions.
Windhu Purnomo
Biostatistics & Population Studies, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Surabaya.
Wirjodiardjo, Sara
Indonesian girl from Jakarta living in Japan. Diary with pictures.
Wowor, Drytha Drama
Drytha's musician interest, Indonesian community resources, and family news from Atlanta, GA.
Wullur, Malky
P.T. Tugu Pratama Indonesia, Jakarta.