english deutsch
Rachman, Thomas T.
P.T. Wiratman & Associates.
Rafei-Pachner, Maya
Recipes for food lovers, recipes for baby food, first aid, some basic knowledges, music and midi links.
Rahman, Leila Fatmasari
Computer Science, Univ. of Indonesia, Depok.
Ramli, Ahmad Hazairin
a.k.a. Febi. Software Engineer for Open Communication Systems, Technical University of Berlin, Germany.
Reina Silvani
Rian Halim
A personal homepage with link to CSA holdings.
Richky Mukin
Electrical Instrument, University Of Indonesia.
Rifai, Achmad
P.T. Toyota-Astra Motor, Jakarta.
Rimko Nurral
Profile and case files.
Rino Riza
A personal page of Riza's son named Rino.
Rishardana, Heru C.
Bandung Institute of Technology.
Riyadi, Valentinus Yanuar
Rolly's Page
A personal page on with many interesting personal opinions about Indonesia from a Texan pilot married to a Malang woman.
Rommy Bali Boy
A personal page of Ketut Agus Rommy with link to Bali site.
Ronny Wahyono
Information System, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia.
Rosinta, Juliana
Includes personal information, hobbies and photograph album.
Roy Adrianto
Dewi Motor Sport, Semarang.
Roy Private Site
A personal page with links to computer and mountaineering sites.
Rukka, La Borane Sumange - Rane Hafied
Includes personal information and photograph gallery.
Ruli Hasler Ismet
Cipta Sarana Informasi, Jakarta.
New York, USA. About Indonesia, cool link, profile, and free stuff and banner sites.
Rusdiah, Rudy
P.T. Micronics Internusa
Rustiadi, Ernan
Kyoto, Japan. Includes resume, research and links.