english deutsch
Research Institutes
Inter University Consortium for DAEF Calcutta Cent, S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
Globsyn Business School
GBS is promoted by the Globsyn Group. The site has information about the school and the various academic programmes it offers in business management.
Globsyn Entertainment and Media Management School
GEMS is promoted by the Globysn group with the objective of creating media professionals. The site offers information about the institute's post graduate diploma and certificate programs in media management, animation, computer graphics, television editing, direction and production.
Institute of Engineering and Management
IEM is the oldest private engineering college in West Bengal. The site has information about the institute and the various degree courses in Computer Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunication Engineering, Multimedia, Information Technology and Business Administration.
Institute of Toy Making Technology
Imparts toy making training to women from the weaker sections of society. Profile, objectives, courses, and other centres.
International Institute of Information Technology,
Information about the institute and its Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in information technology.
Techna Institute
Promoted by the Techna Group, the institute offers degree and diploma programs in Computing, Information Systems and Economics from the University of London.
Technical Teachers' Training Institute - Kolk
TTTI is a Government of India Institute which coordinates activities related to technician education for the whole of Eastern India.
Promoted by the Globsyn Group, the institute is geared towards training IT professionals. The site has information about the institute, various courses and the admissions procedure.
Toonz Webel Academy
The academy conducts animation training programs for students and prepares them for the global animation industry.
West Bengal University of Technology
WBUTech - Technology University has jurisdiction over all of West Bengal and has over forty affiliated engineering and technology institutes. The site has information about bachelors and masters courses in Computer Science, Information Technology, Biotechnology, admission procedures and examinations.