english deutsch
Pre-Nursery to 12
Delhi Public School - Indirapuram, Delhi Public School Ghaziabad, Gurukul
ABES Engineering College
Engineering College offering 4 years degree courses in B.Tech and 3 years Postgraduate course in MCA.
Advance Institute of Management
Offers courses in management, computer application and education. Provides details of the college.
Advanced Level Telecommunication Training Centre
For telecommunications training needs in India and southeast Asia. Located in Ghaziabad.
Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College
Offers courses in Computer Application, Engineering in Computer Science, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical and Information Technology. Provides details of the college.
Babu Banarsi Das Institute of Technology
Provides details of the college. Courses are offered in information technology, engineering in computer science, mechanical and electronics.
Exuberant Solutions
Offer training courses in mobile communication technologies.
Ideal Institute of Technology
Provides details of the Engineering College, offering courses in Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical and Masters of Computer Application.
Inderprastha Engineering College
Engineering College in Ghaziabad offering courses in Computer Science, Electronics, Information Technology, Mechanical, Applied Electrnoics, Computer Application, B.Sc. Microbiology, B.Sc. Biotech, B.B.A., B.Ed.
Institute of Management Education
Provides details of the college. Offers courses in business management, law, education and information technology. Provides residential facilities for boys.
Institute of Management Studies
Offers courses in business management, computer application, bio-science, engineering in information technology, electronics and biotechnology. Lists details of the college and the board of directors.
Institute of Management Technology
Teaches in the fields of computer and management education, research and consultancy.
Institute of Productivity & Management
Provides details of the college. Courses are offered in management.
Institute of Professional Excellence & Managem
provides details of the college. Courses are offered in management, computer application, management of information science and education.
Institute of Technology & Science
Details of the five constituent colleges along with news and admission guidelines. Courses offered are computer application, management of information science, MBA, dental studies.
Integrated Academy of Management and Technology
Details of the college, faculty, courses, employment, and newsletter.
Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology
Offers undergraduate programs in engineering and computer science and postgraduate programs in computer applications. Information about the college, courses, fees, accreditations, faculty profile and placements.
Mewar Education Society
Provides details of the programs, admissions of the colleges under its portfolio. The colleges are a management college, media and communication institute and astrology sciences.
Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology
Details of the institute. Offers courses in computer application, engineering in electronics, electrical, mechanical, computer science, applied science & communication.
Shiva Institute of Management Studies
Offers courses in management, computer application and information technology. Provides details of the college.
Vishveshwarya Institute of Engineering and Technol
Details of the college. Courses offered are business management, computer application, engineering in information technology, mechanical and electronics.