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A. Giridhar
Personal website of the author an IAS officer, with photo gallery of his family and other occasions.
Abhishek Rawat kingdom
Personal site of Abhishek Rawat containing links to his articles and pictures.
Cyber Palace of Rishikesh
Personal Site furnished with poems & leisure by the author a software engineer
Harshal Katre
This blog contains information about the editor, his poems, jokes and a photo album.
Homepage of Pravin
Includes links to institutes in Pune, and college of Armament Technology.
Jayant Ranade
Saprom provides comprehensive PR services such as Press Conferences/Site visits /Interviews/Articles/Releases in selected cities of Maharashtra India.
Kulkarni, Abhijit
Features some tips and links on Java and links to ecard sites. Information about his interests and projects.
Nikhil Khade
Homepage of Nikhil Khade with his photographs, profile with a articles column on various topics.
Pinto, Ashwin Christopher
Personal portfolio of a web designer. Features screensavers, Winamp skins, and digital art.
Priya Ranjan Singh
Personal website containing profile information of Priya Ranjan Singh, studying in PICT as a part of CIN Technologies.
Pune-ri Katta
List of places where you could find good and cheap food.
Rajiv Gonsalves
Photos, poems and resume of Rajiv can be found on his website.
Home Page giving information about him, his friends and his memories.
Sunil Jadhav
Features details about the author, his friends, information on Sangli with quotes on friendship and love.
Sunil Kashikar
Home page providing personal information of the author and links to different resources and downloads like MySql, Apache, PHP and other similar programs.
Tushar Inamdar
Details about the author and his projects, currently working at San Jose State University, California.