english deutsch
Ajit Electronics
Manufacturer of oil test sets, test sets, high voltage tester, ratio meter, phase shifter, and related products.
Energytech Products
Deal in moisture separator, online steam recover, hot condensed pump, and high efficiency impeller.
GVS Labs
Manufacturers of pharmaceutical formulations.
Hindustan Monomers Pvt Ltd.
Manufacturers of industrial strength sulfones, monomers and intermediates.
Innovative Electro Controls
Makers of electrical control and instrument panels, and other electical products.
Jyotirling Engineers
Sells pallet trucks, drum, sack, and gas cylinder trollies, gear chain pulley blocks, and electric chain hoists. Dombivli.
Kirti Lasers
Manufacturers of laser cutting and drilling, marking, diamond sawing, motion control systems and medical electronics.
Perfect Coating Systems & Consultants
Makers of powder coating spray guns, painting machinery including conveyorised plant. Dombivli.
Prakash Engineering Works
Manufacturers of punching, automatic paper cutting, lamination, and pasting machinery.
Romson Clothing and Apparels
Dealers & retailers of garments and uniforms.
Sip Tools
Manufacturers of tooling, carbide bushes, precision machined components for automobile industries, defence application, and space application.