english deutsch
Bhopal Express
Feature length film set against the backdrop of the 1984 gas disaster. Flash browser plug-in required.
Bhopal Gas Tragedy - Pablo Bartholomew
View images taken by this photojournalist of the aftermath of the world's worst chemical accident. Includes thumbnails.
On the gas disaster, accounts of similar tragedies, the companies involved, and survivor stories.
The Bhopal medical appeal for the victims of the 1984 Union Carbide accident in India.
Corp Watch
A partial chronology of Union Carbide's Bhopal disaster. This site has a number of articles on the tragedy.
Econet: Bhopal Day of Action
Article urging activism and rememberance of the chemical accident.
Essential Action: Bhopal
Bhopal pages at the Essental Action site; campaign to end corporate assaults on human health and the environment.
Union Carbide: Bhopal
Facts about the disaster including relief and aid provided, the Browning report and a case study of the incident. Investigation of the tragedy at Bhopal concludes that a disgruntled employee caused the disaster.