english deutsch
Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Sim
A body of the CSIR - Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
Institute of Wood Science and Technology
Conducts research and training on wood science and technology, non-wood forest products, tree improvement and related subjects.
National Aerospace Laboratories
A civil establishment for aeronautics and allied disciplines. Website has descriptions of the organisation's programmes, projects and successes.
National Centre for Biological Sciences
Carries out basic research in the frontier areas of biology and trains at Ph.D. level.
National Centre for Software Technology, Bangalore
A research and development centre, and a centre of excellence in the area of software technology and related computer science.
Natural History Discussion Group
Egroups hosted discussion group on birds and the natural history of Bangalore.
Project Agastya
Works for improved water management in the city. Gives information on objectives and vision, current activities.
Raman Research Institute.
Research in selected areas of physics and astronomy, including electronics, liquid crystals, theoretical physics, and astrophysics.