english deutsch
Bethany High, Dayananda Sagar Business School, FAPS Bangalore, Indian Montessori Centre, Indus International School, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Malleswaram., M S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies, St. Joseph's College, The Canadian School of India, The Home School
Al - Ameen College of Pharmacy
An institution run by the Al-Ameen Educational Society.
Alpha College of Engineering
Engineering college, offering courses in engineering and IT related subjects.
Alumni Association of R V College of Engineering
Latest happenings and achievements of past students, on-line greetings, volunteering for services or help.
B E T College, Bangalore. INDIA
College that offers courses for BCA, BBM, B.Sc. (Comp.Sc.) & B.Com.
Bangalore Education
Get details on institutes, resources and career options in Bangalore.
Bangalore University
Contains information on courses, eligibility, affiliated colleges and contacts.
BMS College of Engineering
An institution offering various engineering related courses.
Brigade Construction Technology and Vocational Tra
Details of technical and managerial courses, facilities and faculty.
Brigade-PSBB School, J.P. Nagar, South Bangalore
A co-educational school following a CBSE syllabus with class levels from Pre-KG to High School.
Brigade-PSBB School, J.P. Nagar, South Bangalore
Brigade-PSBB School, J.P. Nagar, South Bangalore. A co-educational school following a CBSE syllabus. Pre-KG to High School.
For the alumnii of M. S. Ramaiah Medical College and the M. S. Ramaiah Medical Teaching Hospital.
Christ College
College offering various masters and bachelors level courses.
Education in bangalore
This gives a detailed information on colleges and universities in Bangalore, including results, courses, admissions, common entrance test.
Essae-TAPMI Academy, Bangalore
An institution offering post-graduate programmes in Management, that carries out extensive research in areas of marketing service,customer service,advertising, etc.
Foreman Training Institute
Teaches supervisory and technical skills.
GEAR Foundation
Details of the GEAR School. Includes information on developing talent and aptitudes.
German education consultancy services
GECS is a education consultancy offering assistance to students looking for admissions in German, US, UK and Canadian universities.
Indian Institute of Information Technology - Banga
A major teaching institution of the country.
Indian Statistical Institute
An institution devoted to the research, teaching and application of statistics, natural sciences and social sciences.
Information about Common Entrance Test
Provides information in CET and guides students to choose a appropriate career.
Institute for Social and Economic Change
Carries out research and training in the social sciences.
Institute of Bioinformatics
A not-for-profit organization engaged in research in bioinformatics.
Jain Institute of Vocational and Advanced Studies
Offers courses in life sciences relevant to industrial needs. Contains admission, programs, services and FAQ.
Kiddycare India
Provides two day care nurseries. Customised services available.
Kristu Jayanti College
Details of graduate programs in commerce, science, management and computers.
M R A Dental College & Hospital
Official site of the institution. Provides information about the curriculum, facility, research activities and admissions.
M. S. Engineering College
Gives overview, and information on courses, facilities, admissions, academics and examinations.
Mahaveer Academy of Technology and Sciences
Offers programs in technology, management and applied sciences. Information for prospective students, admissions, educational loans and contacts.
Max Mueller Bhavan
German cultural and information centre specialised in German language courses and cultural events.
National First Grade College
An academic institution that offers undergraduate and graduate courses in various fields of science and commerce.
National Institute of Creative Communication
NICC offers diploma courses in the fields of Commercial Photography, Digital Imaging, Animation, Illustration, Graphic Design & Fine Art.
National Law School of India University
Information on academics, admissions, facilities, faculty and contacts.
New Horizon India
Provides education from primary school to engineering level in Bangalore, Karnataka.
Prakriya Green Wisdom School
Focusses on experiential, activity oriented learning and talent development of children.
R V College of Engineering
Official website for RV College of engineering. Gives information about the departments and courses offered.
Rajajinagar Parents Association College
Information about the college, the courses, and the facilities. Located in Rajajinagar, Bangalore.
Sandeepani School of VLSI Design
Imparts education in microprocessor design. Includes a profile, services, and a list of partners.
Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College
Graduate college, offering bachelors degree in science, commerce and management. Also offers pre-university courses for science and commerce stream.
The Hippocampus
Kindergarten school. Details of location, activities, and teaching material.
The Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
The IIMB is a Centre of Excellence in the field of management education.
UTL Technologies
UTL Technologies is a training institution providing training in Embedded Systems Design, VLSI Design, Digital Signal Processing, Telecom, Wireless Technologies and Web Technologies.
UVCE - University Visvesvaraya College of Engineer
Includes details of departments, courses, and campus photographs. Unofficial site.
Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurshi
A Business School in Bangalore offering post graduate PGDBM program equivalent to MBA.