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A Picture of China
Images of the people, cities and nature by Jeroen Neele. From Beijing, through Lanzhou, Xiahe and Chengdu to Lijiang, Dali, Jianshui and Menguin.
Asian Gallery: China
Images of Beijing, Xi'an and the Great Wall.
Benoa - Photos of China
Photos of a motherland of cultures, language, art, literature, religions, and... cooking.
China - The Silk Road
Gallery featuring Beijing, Xia-He, Dunhuang, the Taklimakan Desert, Turfan, Urumqi and Kashgar.
China and Hongkong
Photos taken during a tour of the east coast, organised by location.
China images
photos by a photographer based in Beijing.
China Pictures
A selection of photos covering life and scenery in China. Clickable thumbnails.
China Pictures
Providing China travel pictures, including photos of major cities and tourist attractions.
China's Water Country and Gardens
A photographic tour of Shanghai, Wuxi, Suzhou, Hangzhou and Hong Kong.
China: The Little Bus
Pictures from a tour to Beijing, Xi'an and the Yangzi river in 2002.
Daniel Yeh Traub's photography
Photos of a photographer and television cameraman working in Beijing.
Discovering China
Pictures of various attractions in the country.
eJournal Travelogue: China
350 pictures organised by subject and location. Mainly covers the north of the country.
Evan Tepperman - Om Mani Padme Hum
A site created by an American expat living & working in China, including a photo gallery of various sights in China, as well as introduing some aspects of Chinese culture.
Fotoe Picture
Chinese stock photos company. Search and buy photos about China.
HK Pictures 2003
Mike's pictures of Hong Kong taken on his 2003 holiday.
Images of China
Photographs of the country and its people arranged by location, plus sections on food and travel by train. By Bryan Chan.
Kashgar and Xi'an
Images from the two extremities of the Silk Road in China. By Shahriar Ghane.
Mainland China Photo Gallery
Pictures from Beijing, Shanghai, Guilin, Hainan, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Macao and Shenzhen.
Photos of China
Over 800 pictures of Beijing, Shanghai, Ningbo, Xikou, Suzhou, Anji, Putuoshan and the Chinese people. In English and French.
Photos of China
Photos in southern China and Hong Kong.
Pictures and videos of China
About 250 pictures of a roundtrip made through China in 2004. Including Beijing, Hongkong, Shanghai and the countryside.
Somewhere in Hong Kong
Photo collection of Hong Kong.
Somewhere in Sichuan China
Travel photos in Sichuan of China.
The Yangtze and Xian
Photos of a trip to Beijing, Xian and the Yangtze Gorges (before the completion of, the Dam).
Tom's passage to... China: Hongkong and Guanx
Photos from Hongkong and the autonomous region of Guangxi.
Tours in China
Pictures of Yunnan, Shangdong and Dongbei by Lawrence Wong. [Chinese and English]
Travel into China
Images of eastern and southern China by Marius and Willy Bennenk, organised by region and topic.
Travelchinaguide: China Pictures
Images of popular destinations in the country.
TrekEarth: China Gallery
Contributed pictures of Hong Kong and China.