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Baobab Industries
Exporters of a range of tropical hardwood furniture for interior and outdoor use - designed in solid Zimbabwean Teak or Saligna.
Builders Tools
Makers of Edenstahl hand tools for the building and agricultural sectors.
Courteney Boot Company
Manufacturers of exclusive, handmade boots - ships products all over the world.
Lobels Fine Foods
Manufacturer of a wide range of quality foods and biscuits.
Manufacturers of bar and display cabinets.
Taxidermy Enterprises
Taxidermy service includes mammals, reptiles, birds and fish - will courier merchandise from Zimbabwe.
Manufacturer of high quality wooden windows and doors from a variety of Zimbabwean hardwoods - a variety of hardwood chairs, benches and tables - custom and one off furniture to your specification.
Zimbabwe International Trade Fair
Largest intra-regional trade fair South of the Sahara - an annual six-day exhibition which offers exposure to both trade and public visitors.