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Fabupharm Namibia
Manufacturer of pharmaceuticals in Namibia with online sales.
Health In Namibia Book
This volume has been published for the "Support to Primary Health Care Project" of Namibia. It can be downloaded from this site.
HIV/AIDS in Namibia: The impact on the livestock s
Article on how HIV/AIDS affects livstock production in Namibia.
MD Travel Health - Namibia
Complete travel health information for Namibia, updated daily, including recommended vaccinations for Namibia, malaria prevention, and recent outbreaks.
This is an independent Namibian company with the purpose to provide administration and managed health care services to Medical Aid Funds in Namibia.
The Refuge
Addiction awareness center in the Namib Desert.
Windhoek Orthopaedic Centre
Contact details for the Windhoek Orthopeadic Centre, provided by SAOPA.
World Health Organization Namibia
Information on the activities of the WHO in Namibia.