ArabNet - Libya
Country overview, including history, geography, culture and government.
BBC Country Profile
Key facts, figures and dates.
CIA Factbook - Libya
Features map and brief descriptions of geography, economy, government, and people.
FOC Country Profile - Libya
Notes on geography, history, politics, economy, international relations, travel, current affairs.
Libya Country Study
Country profile, history, geography, economy, politics.
Libya Online
Portal covering arts, literature, music, sports, tourism and women. Includes a travel guide and gallery of attractions.
Libya: Our Home
Ibrahim Ighneiwa presents a map, photographs, history, description and polital information about the country. Includes a large section on Tripoli.
The Country and People of Libya
Abu Hejleh provides a brief introduction to the country and its history, together with a collection of related links.
US-Africa: Libya
An illustrated profile of the country, with basic facts and figures, history, comments on Mu`ammar Qadhafi, and traveler tips.