Business and Economy
Computers and Internet, Alshic Libya, Libya, Libya Shipping, Libyan Business Directory, Libyan Investment, Libyan Mining Company, Makhzoum Aluminium, MBendi Profile - Libya - Oil Industry Overview, Misurata Shipping Agency, Modern World Communications Company
Embassies and Consulates, Qaddafi, Muammar, Constitution of Libya [1951-1969], Flags of Libya, ICL - Libya Index
Guides and Directories
ArabNet - Libya, BBC Country Profile, CIA Factbook - Libya, FOC Country Profile - Libya, Libya Country Study, Libya Online, Libya: Our Home, The Country and People of Libya, US-Africa: Libya
Maps and Views
Libya Homepage, Libya, my country, Map of Libya, Map of Libya, Map of Libya, - Travel Store, Sabratha, , Libya, The Living Earth, Waw an Namus
News and Media
afrol News - Libya, : Libya, Jana, Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting Corporation., Libya, Libya News
Society and Culture
History, Issues, Personal Pages, Politics, Religion, Ethnologue: Libya, The Garamantes of The Fezzan, The Last Jews of Libya, Tibra
Travel and Tourism
Lodging, Travel Services, Libya Visa Application, Miftah Shamali - Libya, Sahara Overland Libya, Tourism Libyan style, Travelers' Reports on Libya