Calendar Reform
Proposes to bring the world a new and perpetual 13-month global calendar. Includes an overview of the history of the calandar, an explanation of the proposals and an opportunity to vote.
Dr. Winstead's Current Local and World Standa
Gives the current time as the percentage of the day that has elapsed thus far for both your local location and Greenwich, England as a world standard reference point.
New Earth Time
A new proposed global time standard for the internet which divides each day into 360 degrees of time.
Omni Time
Proposes a universal time zone designed for global businesses. Based on a 360 day year and a revolving schedule.
The New Calendar Reform
Lars Romare suggests a perpetual Gregorian calendar for international and universal use. Includes an extract from Encarta on previous attempts to reform the calendar.
Time Cube
Statements from an aggressive adherent of "nature's harmonic simultaneous 4-day time cube."