Cute Choice
Resource of sayings from Confucius, Lord Chesterfield and Victor Frankel.
Don't Quote Me
Resource that features search functionality, daily quote subscription and e-card service.
Famous Quotes
A collection of insightful and inspiring quotes from the great men and women of history. Searchable by name.
Freedom's Nest F.A. Hayek Quote Search
Find the perfect quote by the nobel prize winner and one of the greatest economists and freedom advocates of all times.
Henry Miller Random Quotation
A collection of Henry Miller's quotations which are randomly displayed.
Lincoln as Writer
From the National Park Service, selected quotes and complete speeches from the 16th president of the United States.
Lincoln, Abraham - Selected Quotations
This page has authentic quotes from President Abraham Lincoln.
Quayle Quote List
A collection of sayings by Dan Quayle.
Quotes by President Reagan
Lots of quotes spanning three decades by the 40th President.
Robert F. Kennedy
Web site containing segments of some of Robert F. Kennedy?s more remembered speeches along with photos of the Senator.
Sounds of History
A collection of recorded sounds of history and Americana that define the twentieth century.
The Dawn of a New Era: the Era of Ignorance
A Democrat searches the large volumes of Bush quotes and comes up with some embarfassing flubs.
The perspectives of Nietzsche
Range of sayings from Friedrich Nietzsche.
UK Quotations
Collection of sayings by persons such as Albert Einstein, Aristotle and John F. Kennedy.
Wittgenstein quotations submitted by users.