ABPP Partnership Funding Program
Funding opportunities from American Batttlefield Protection Program, National Park Service
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Makes grants to institutions in higher education, in cultural affairs and the performing arts, in population, in conservation and the environment, and in public affairs.
Applying for a Grant - National Endowment for the
Application forms, guidelines, what the NEH will fund, grant deadlines, and FAQ.
Charles H. Bentz Associates, Inc.
Fund raising management and consulting firm specializing in nonprofit capital and endowment campaigns.
Getty Grant Program
The Getty Grant Program funds projects that promote research in the history of art and related fields, advancement of the understanding of art, and the conservation of cultural heritage.
I Cinquecento Foundation
The foundation makes regular contributions to the realization of exhibitions, supports research projects.
Independent Sector
A coalition of corporations, foundations, and private voluntary organizations that works to strengthen America's nonprofit organizations, which collectively are often called the third or independent sector.
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Museum and library grants and funding programs.
National Endowment for the Arts - Guidelines and A
Information on deadlines, eligibility, and review for criteria for grants from the NEA.
National Historical Publications and Records Commi
A Federal funding agency assisting with records management, archives, and documentary editing projects.
Save America's Treasures Program
Supports historic preservation and conservation project work on historic places, properties, artifacts, collections, monuments, and works of art.
Technology Opportunities Program
Promotes the widespread availability and use of advanced telecommunications technologies in the public and non-profit sectors.