Anne and Jerome Fisher Fine Arts Library at the Un, Australian National University Institute of the Ar, Blackader-Lauterman Library of Architecture and Ar, Boston Architectural Center Library, Boston Museum of Fine Arts Libraries, Brown Fine Arts Library, Columbia University Avery Architectural and Fine A, Cornell Fine Arts Library, Dutch University Institute for Art History Library, Edinburgh College of Art Library Service
Aarhus School of Business, Bentley College Solomon Baker Library, Better Business Bureau Resource Library, Business Library of the Brooklyn Public Library, Business Resource Library, Business Resources at Library of Congress, Center for Business Information, Columbia University Business And Economics Library, Columbia University Business and Economics Library, Copenhagen Business School Library
Brooklyn Historical Society Library, Civil War Online Document Library, The Library Company of Philadelphia, US Holocaust Memorial Museum Library
Altoona Hospital Glover Memorial Library, American Dental Association Library, Annette and Irwin Eskind Biomedical Library, Arizona Health Sciences Library, Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses (AO, Baptist Health Systems of South Florida Medical Li, Berman National Medical Library, Biomedical and Medical Center Libraries, Biomedical Library, Boston University Alumni Medical Library
Air Force Institute of Technology Library, Air University Library, Army Management Staff College Library, Combined Arms Research Library, Consortium of Naval Libraries, Map Library, U.S. Military Academy, Marine Corps University Research Center, Military Librarians Division of the Special Librar, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Library, Naval Historical Center Department Library
American Philatelic Research Library, American Philatelic Society, National Philatelic Society Library (NPSL), Rocky Mountain Philatelic Library, The British Library's Philatelic Collections, The Canadian Postal Archives, The Wineburgh Library, Western Philatelic Library
Biological and Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Government, Mathematics and Computer Science, Physical and Chemical Sciences, British Library, Science Technology and Business, Carnegie Mellon Engineering and Science Library, Center for Science and Technology Studies, Charles S. Morgan Technical Library, City College of New York Science/Engineering Libra, Duke University Science and Engineering Libraries, Fine Hall Library, Princeton University, Harvard University Science Libraries, Haselton Library and Information Center, J.R.D. Tata Memorial Library
Social Sciences
Area Studies, Economics, Ethnic Studies, Labor, Library and Information Science, Psychology, Columbia University Lehman Social Sciences Library, Gerber Hart Library, ISH Library, McGill University Humanities and Social Sciences L, New School University Fogelman Library, Penn State University Social Sciences Library, School of Government Library, Southern California Library for Social Studies and, UCSD International Relations and Pacific Studies L, UIUC Education and Social Science Library
London Life Hockey Resource Centre, National Baseball Hall of Fame Research Library, National Sport Information Centre (NSIC), National Sporting Library, Paul Ziffren Sports Resource Center, The C.C. Morris Cricket Library and Collection, The Henning Library and Archive, The Virtual Library of Sport
Abilene Christian University Library, Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation, Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Archbishop Vehr Theological Library, Asbury Seminary B. L. Fisher Library, Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary Library, Atlantic School of Theology Library, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary Stitt Lib, Bangor Theological Seminary Libraries, Booher Library
Bernice Bienenstock Furniture Library
Largest collection of books on furniture, home furnishings styles and interior design in the world. Over 8,000 volumes dating from 1600.
Conrad N. Hilton Library at the Culinary Institute
A large collection of specialized literature and internet bibliographies in the foodservice and hospitality fields.
Farmland Information
A clearinghouse for information about farmland protection and stewardship. It is a partnership between the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and American Farmland Trust.
Marcus Garvey Library
Providing a wider understanding of the work and philosophy of Marcus Garvey with special reference to: medicine, public health, nursing and the black hospital movement. Located in Tottenham North London (UK).
National Equal Justice Library
Located in the American University (Washington, DC) Washington College of Law, the only library-museum dedicated to the history of equal justice for all in the US.
Shevchenko Scientific Society Library
Collections in mathematics, physics, and technology, and works by and about Ukrainians and the Ukraine Diaspora. Online catalog has entries transliterated into Roman characters.
Texas Ranger Hall of Fame Research Center
Information about the library for the Texas Rangers law enforcement agency.
World Health Organization Library
Supporting the work of the World Health Organization and providing access to its collections on international public health and development as well as historical collections.