ALA Office for Literacy and Outreach Services
Provides multiple resources to assist the efforts of library staff who seek effective library outreach strategies to serve traditionally underserved populations.
Hennen's American Public Library Ratings (HAL
This site rates public libraries in the United States using data libraries submit to the Federal State Cooperative Service.
Impacts of the Internet on Public Library Use
Results of a spring of 2000 study conducted by the Urban Libraries Council, and conducted in English and Spanish.
International Network of Public Libraries
International public library experts develop and test innovative concepts for modern library management.
Libraries - Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Information on US public library programs, including news items and information on grant applications. Site is devoted to donating computers and improving access to information technology.
Public Libraries
Offers information and links to the public libraries by American state. Also has details on how to add or edit a library in the directory.
Public Libraries Using Spanish (PLUS)
Resource bank for librarians striving to better serve Spanish-speaking patrons.
Public Library Association
Information and services for public librarians and staff.
Public Library Locator
Locate information about a public library or a public library service outlet when you know some, but not all of the information about it.
Security Issues in Ohio Public Libraries
Results of a study showing the perception of library security issues in Ohio public libraries.
Starting a Book Club in a Mid-sized Public Library
Offers tips for creating and running book clubs in public libraries.
The Role of Libraries in Literacy Education
Learn about how public libraries can help to promote literacy education programs. Includes a report of how public libraries have engaged in literacy education.