A formulation of the RDF data model - A set-theor
A possible set theory model of the RDF level 0 and 1 by Ian Peacock, UKOLN, UK.
An Introduction to the Resource Description Framew
Introduction to RDF by Eric Miller, OCLC in Dlib magazine.
Metadata for the Web - RDF and the Dublin Core
Introduction to RDF and DC showing examples of how they can be used for structure web metadata by Andy Powell, UKOLN presented at UKOLUG
RDF and Metadata
An introduction to RDF by Tim Bray, XML.com covering why would you want to use it and the relationship between RDF and XML.
RDF Metadata and Agent Architectures
Paper by Ora Lassila, Nokia & W3C, given at Workshop on Compositional Software Architectures, Monterey, California
The Semantic Toolbox: Building Semantics on top of
'Ramblings' on how semantics can be applied on the web using RDF/XML by Tim Berners-Lee
Web Architecture: Describing and Exchanging Data
An analysis of the XML Schema and the RDF Schema designs as used to further the semantic description of the web.
What is...RDF?
An introductory explanation of RDF by Rachel Heery in Ariadne magazine online.