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Amphetadesk Auto-subscribe bookmarklet, HTML::RSSAutodiscovery.pm, Radio auto-subscribe bookmarklet, Radio UserLand : How to include a link to your RSS, RSS auto-discovery with PHP, The Autodiscovery Standard
2RSS.com, Bloglines Newsfeeds, CompleteRSS, Feed-Directory.com, Feedzie.com, LISfeeds.com, MyWireService Sources, News Is Free, Newsfeed Finder, NPR : RSS Feeds
Feed for All, FeedFire, FeedSpring, Globalissa Community News, HiT Syndicaat, HitRSS, myRSScreator, Newsletters By RSS, Nooked, Perl XML::RSS
News Readers
Directories, E-mail Based, Handhelds, Java, Linux, Mac OS, Web Based, Windows, Aggreg8.net, AmphetaDesk, Blagg, BlogMatrix - Jäger, BottomFeeder, CafeRSS, DogWalker, Feed on Feeds, FIRST SAY, Gush
RSS 1.0 Modules, RSS 2.0 Modules, Ideas for the evolution of RSS, mod_enclosures proposal, Open Content Syndication Directory Format, RSS 0.90, RSS 0.91 (Netscape), RSS 0.91 (UserLand), RSS 0.92, RSS 0.93, RSS 1.0, RSS 1.1
asprss.com, Create a RSS Newsfeed, Creating RSS feeds using Movable Type, Creating RSS files for your Web site, Making Headlines with RSS, RSS and You, RSS Tutorial for Content Publishers and Webmasters, RSStop10, The R in RSS1.0, Using RSS News Feeds
Feed Validator for Atom and RSS, Redland RSS 1.0 Validator and Viewer, RSS1.0 Validator (ldodds.com), Userland RSS validator, W3C RDF Validation Service, Will the real RSS validator please stand up? [dive
All About RSS Blog
News and some commentary related to the technical and real-life application aspects of RSS.
CaRP: Caching RSS Parser
Free PHP script to integrate RSS newsfeeds into webpages. Features flexible formatting, caching for speed, and includes proxy server support.
Creating RSS and CDF files
How are these files generated at Zvon
Dave Winer's RSS Weblog
Weblog that covers new developments in the field of RSS.
If Only I Had Known
By Derrick Story, Web Reference.
PHP class to parse RSS/RDF files. Returns associative array with RSS fields.
LLRX.com - RSS for Non-Techie Librarians
Steven M. Cohen explains RSS with illustrated examples.
A XML-based RSS parser in PHP. Supports most RSS versions including Userland RSS and RSS 1.0. Supports modules, and namespaces.
Movement on next-generation RSS
By Edd Dumbill, WriteTheWeb.
Network World Fusion's Do-It-Yourself RSS Fee
Instructions for creating RSS feeds on any topic covered by Network World and Network World Fusion.
Pheed Central
Introduction to content sharing using RSS, including reviews, news, rss directories, and tutorial information.
RDF Rich Site Summary (RSS)
News and history of RSS. By Robin Cover, XML Cover Pages, OASIS.
Registering and Discovering RSS Feeds in UDDI
The use of Universal, Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) to catalog and discover RSS news feeds.
Registering and publishing with RSS
Explains how to register your RSS file with one of the news syndication sites
RSS 1.0: The New Syndication Format
Background on the RSS 1.0 Spec. By Jonathan Eisenzopf, Web Reference.
RSS Compendium
News, resouces, tools and links.
RSS DevCenter
A collection of essays and guides to RSS, from O'Reilly, the technical book publisher.
RSS in Government
News about how RSS is being used by international, federal, state, and local governments.
RSS Related Files
Scripts allowing for real-time RSS feed manipulation in ASP.
RSS Resources Directory
Dave Winer's directory of RSS 2.0 resources
RSS Specifications
Information related to RSS and XML, including software, newsreaders, specifications, content syndication, and the history of rss.
The email list for the RSS interest and working groups, discussing the present and future of the RSS format, as well as working on uses and development. Responsible for RSS1.0
RSS: Lightweight Web Syndication
RSS, a simple XML application to describe web site headlines, has had such enormous success that it has been pulled in many directions. By Rael Dornfest, XML.com.
Network that lets web content publishers sell ads in RSS feeds.
The Evolution of RSS
This article explains the evolution of RSS and its future. By Andy King, WebReference.com.
The RSS Weblog
A blog that covers all things RSS. Updated multiple times a day.
The WebReference/internet.com Multi-Feed RSS Sideb
An in-depth look at the WebReference/internet.com multi-feed RSS sidebar tab; a combined Perl, XHTML, and JavaScript application.
UserLand.Com Backend
Details on the inner workings of UserLand.Com, including My.UserLand, an RSS aggregator.
Web Reference: RSS
A collection of RSS resources by Web Reference.
What is RSS?
A how to covering all the various versions of RSS.
What is RSS? RSS Explained
A one page quick introduction to RSS, why it is useful, and how to access RSS feeds.
XML Tools: RSSApplet
This site contains XML tools for web masters, for instance the RSSViewerApplet for displaying RSS headlines in an HTML page.
Yahoo! Publisher's Guide to RSS
Provides a five-step process to support effective RSS publishing on the Web.
zShaped and zFeeder
zShaped is a tool to post (syndicate) news (content) on your?site. zFeeder is a tool to show?other's RSS content on your site, or use it on your PC or intranet as a news reader.