Federated Searching
AGent Portal, CarlWeb, Cross database searching: Information literacy for, CrossRef, Do We Want or Need Metasearching?, ENCompass, Federated Searching: Put It in Its Place, FirstSearch, InfoTrac OneFile, Keystone Digital Library Suite
Open Source Software
Avanti Library Systems, Bibliograph, Books Personal Library Management, Elvis Digital Library (ElvisDL), Emilda, Fedora: Flexible Extensible Digital Object and Rep, Greenstone, HyperJournal, iBookshelf, Katipo Communications
Virtual Reference
24/7 Reference, Convey Systems, Docutek VRLplus, eLibrarian, Live, Digital Reference Marketplace, QuestionPoint, Virtual Reference Toolkit
Web Browser Library Software
Acumen & Scope e-Library, Autolib Library and Information Management Systems
ABC Buyer's Guide to Purchasing Library Soft
Top questions to ask when purchasing library software. This resource will save your organization much hassle and ensure that you get the right solution.
Access-It Software Ltd.
Library automation program designed for schools and small businesses with both Macintosh and Windows platforms.
ACTIVE Library Software - Win/Web Library Manageme
Web and windows library software based on Microsoft .NET technology. From Enterprise Tracking Systems.
ADLIB Information Systems
Specializes in library management systems and software; archive and records management systems; document management and control systems; membership systems and image database applications.
ALICE Library Automation System.
Known as ALICE in Europe and Australia, ANNIE in America, EMBLA in Iceland, and OASIS elsewhere. Particularly strong in school libraries but also in other areas. Vendor is Softlink (Australia).
Andrew Osborne's Library Automation Pages
Offering information to systems librarians on a variety of library systems and vendors.
Aurora Library system
Complete library system from Aurora Information Technology, also provides access to the Internet and the global library through incorporation of Z39.50 and Web tools to provide a full resource discovery tool.
Auto-Graphics, Inc.
Suppliers of library automation software, electronic content management, and electronic publishing solutions, including thelibrarycard.net.
Automation Trends: ARL Libraries
Listing of systems used by member libraries.
Bailey Solutions Ltd.
Developers of PenLib, KnowAll, Konduct and PenWeb integrated library management systems, built on Microsoft Access and SQL.
Biblio Tech Review
Electronic journal covering library automation, software, library computerisation, text retrieval, electronic publishing and digital libraries reviews.
BiblioMondo Inc.
Vendor that provides software for digital collections for library consortiums.
Book Systems, Inc.
Library automation software developer, library cataloging services, data conversion, MARC record support, z39.50 modules, and other library automation software add-ons.
BookWhere 2000 Cataloging Software
Software package that allows the user to search hundreds of library databases via the Internet and capture MARC records using the Z39.50 protocol. Free evaluation software is available.
Cadomel Library Management Systems
UK supplier of library automation systems for school and other small libraries, including barcode labels and scanners.
CDS/ISIS Database Software
Micro CDS/ISIS is an advanced non-numerical information storage and retrieval software developed by UNESCO since 1985.
Church Related Online Software Systems (CROSS Syst
Library 1.7 online cataloging automation software for books, videos, tapes, CDs; and Inventory 1.3 asset management and tracking for clergy, churches, schools, businesses, and personal applications. Windows 3.x/9x/NT.
Contec Group International
New Zealand based company providing library management software including applications designed specifically for schools and digital collections.
Reserves management system, with information and free download.
Data Research Associates, Inc.
DRA provides library automation systems, electronic networking services and other related services for libraries.
Endeavor Information Systems, Inc.
Developers of Voyager integrated library systems and other library automation products.
EOS International
Offers client/server library automation for libraries. Includes demonstration version of software.
Library automation systems, including iPac. Includes product information and support.
Epixtech UK
Supplier of library automation software and systems. With product information and sales.
Greenstone Digital Library Software
Software suite for building and distributing digital library collections.
Innovative Interfaces Inc.
Information about Millennium, a Web and Java library system.
Innovative Internet Applications in Libraries
Highlights examples of effective use of the Internet in the following categories: virtual reference desks, innovative Internet librarians, library e-journals, image maps in public library sites, e-mail subscription newsletters in public libraries, book and reading lists, special collections (exhibits), and online catalogs.
Integrated Library System Reports
An electronic newsletter designed to assist information professionals with integrated library system issues. ILSR's mission is to locate up-to-date IOLS information, provide an IOLS reference database, and track new IOLS industry developments and trends.
KLAS, Keystone Library Automation System
Provides full service software, hardware, and support solutions for library automation. KLAS is a fully integrated solution applicable to many types of libraries, particularly those serving geographically diverse patron communities.
Lending Library Software
Library automation software information including features and pricing.
Fully Internet based library automation system. Does not require any software installation as it works with your browser across the Internet. Mainly for Churches and small private schools. Demonstration site.
Library management system is used in public and corporate libraries, academic as well as government libraries. Australian-owned and designed.
Toy library management system designed to manage users, collections, loans, renewals, fines, accounting, statistics and includes bar code support.
Library Automation Management
Provides a combination of consulting, implementation, and integration services specifically for the small and medium-sized school, special, or public library.
Library Concepts
Providers of PC Card Catalog, a library automation system for smaller libraries. Product information and demo download.
Library Technology Guides
Guides to library automation in a number of specialized categories.
Online library automation service. With a standard Web browser one can search, catalog, or circulate from any location on the Internet. Data is always available, backed up and secure.
Makers of LC Easy and Dewey Easy, library skills training tutorials which run on Mac OS X and all Windows versions above 3.1.
Libsuite is a Application Service Provider for Library Automation software LibSuite.
Limes Software Ltd.
Developers of the Millennia and Evolution library management systems.
Mandarin Library Automation, Inc.
Software developer and hardware supplier offering Mandarin M3, authority control, web gateway, Z39.50 modules, serials and acquisitions, barcodes, web hosting, union catalog, and data conversion.
Neuton Data Systems
School library automation products and services. DOS-based.
New Generation Technologies Inc.
Library automation software that includes catalog, circulation, OPAC, MARC, and report generator.
Open DLib
An extensible software toolkit that can be used to create a digital library by either loading or harvesting the content to be managed.
Perpustakaan Library Software
For school, company, and institutional libraries. With cataloging, circulation, past-due tracking, and bar-coding.
PHP MySQL Library automation application. The program consist of cataloging, circulation, and the webpac module. The programs also has an import export feature.
Primasoft.com - Book Organizer Deluxe
Windows software that allows users to organize, catalog, and manage their book collections.
Prism Computer Solutions
Software automation for schools, public libraries, special libraries, and corporate libraries.
Offers several software applications marketed at libraries.
Inter-library reservation and loan system.
Remote User Authentication in Libraries
Links to reports on remote authentication in libraries, to software that supports authentication and to user authentication in general. Maintained by Steve Hunt, Santa Monica College Library.
Library cataloging, searching, and circulation software for churches and schools. Windows 3.1 / 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP
Sagebrush Corporation
Offers library automation software, library cataloging services, union catalog, data conversion, MARC records, Winnebago Spectrum, Athena, reading programs, scanners, WebManager.
Softlink Europe Library Automation
Softlink Europe Library Automation Software, suppliers of the Alice library automation and management software and BookWizard.
Surpass Software
Offers library automation products and services that can be used either as a fully-integrated automation package, or as individual components to enhance and expand current automation products.? Most products are available for a free 30 or 60 day trial.
Provides library management systems to the UK and Ireland. Includes comprehensive information about the company, its products and services, and user support.
Tapir for DSpace
The Theses Alive Plug-in for Institutional Repositories developed at Edinburgh University Library (EUL) provides the ability within DSpace to operate a supervised authoring facility.
The Library Corporation (TLC)
Native Windows NT fully integrated library automation system. Cost effective access to current information technology.
Very Innovative Webpacs
Selection of Innovative Interfaces webpacs that either contain special features or display unusually good design.
VTLS, Inc.
Produces integrated solutions for managing library collections and creating digital libraries.