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AcqWeb's Directory of Journals, Newsletters a, BUBL Links: Library and Information Science Journa, Digital Library of Information Science and Technol, Index Morganagus, Internet Addresses of Reformistas, Library Journals, Newsletters, and Zines, Library-Oriented Lists & Electronic Serials, The Informed Librarian
Against the Grain
News about libraries, publishers, book jobbers, and subscription agents.
ALA ; TER: Technology Electronic Reviews
Information on this electronic serial publication. It provides reviews of and pointers to resources, both print and electronic. Resources include books, articles, serials, discussion lists, software, training materials, and bibliographies.
ALA TechSource
Home of Library Technology Reports Online, how-to guides to library systems and services, plus the Source Online, a site with free news, features, and commentary.
American Libraries Online
Online version of the American Library Association's flagship publication. Features current news about libraries and librarians. Includes job opportunities.
Annual Review of Information Science and Technolog
The annual publication of the American Society for Information Science. Focuses on activities and trends in the field of information science and technology. Includes links to the ASIS home page and print version purchase information.
Quarterly publication aimed at academic librarians in the United Kingdom. Links to back issues dating from 1996.
ARL Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters
Scholarly research pertaining to online topics. Includes a directory of scholarly and professional e-conferences. From the Association of Research Libraries.
Biblia's Warrior Librarian Weekly
Pokes fun at the people who use libraries and the funnier ones who work in them.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Editorial information, tables of contents and abstracts.
Chinese Librarianship: an International Electronic
A peer-reviewed e-journal with an international outlook focusing on the practical aspect of Chinese librarianship.
Christian Library Journal
Reviews of books, videos, cassette tapes, and CDs from a Christian point of view.
Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large
Walt Crawford's commentary and annotated citations of selected articles on library and computer-related issues. [PDF]
College and Research Libraries
Flagship peer-reviewed publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). Links to table of contents and book reviews from 1997 to the present.
Computers in Libraries
Online version of the monthly magazine focusing on library oriented information technology.
Cultivate Interactive
E-journal which is funded by the European Commission to disseminate information on digital cultural heritage including projects funded by the EU's DIGICULT programme.
Cybermetrics. Electronic journal of scientometrics
An electronic journal devoted to the description and analysis of the internet as scholarly communication tool.
D-Lib Magazine
Monthly publication about research and innovation in digital libraries.
E-JASL: The Electronic Journal of Academic and Spe
Independent, professional, refereed journal dedicated to advancing knowledge and research in the areas of academic and special librarianship.
Open access archive of preprints, postprints and other documents in the field of library and information science.
Ex Libris
An e-zine for librarians and information junkies.
First Monday
Peer-reviewed journal about the Internet and the Global Information Infrastructure.
Future of Print Media Journal
A quarterly online journal about the digital transformation of printing and publishing.
High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine
Issues relevant to high energy physics libraries from the point of view of both information workers and library clients.
IFLA Journal
Journal of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, an international organization focusing on libraries and library users. Contains tables of contents, abstracts and some full text beginning with 1993.
Info To Go
Sample issue and information about the monthly print publication aimed at information professionals. "Dedicated to eliminating aimless surfing."
Information Processing and Management
Bi-monthly peer reviewed print journal published by Elsevier Science.
Information Research: an international electronic
Presents research papers and working papers from a variety of information-related disciplines, including information science, information management, information systems, information policy and librarianship.
Information Retrieval
Subscription e-journal dedicated to theory and experimentation in information retrieval. Sample copy available.
Information Today
Product information and news for librarians.
Informing Science: International Journal of an Eme
Information systems, library science and journalism evolve to form a new discipline. Quarterly journal available in print or online.
International Information and Library Review
Progress and research in international and comparative librarianship, documentation, and information retrieval. Published quarterly by Academic Press.
International Journal of Information Management
Aimed at "managers charged with the responsibility of designing and managing complex information systems." From Elsevier Science
International Journal on Digital Libraries
Quarterly print journal emphasizing digital information and libraries. Register for email notification of contents.
Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship
Electronic journal from the Science and Technology Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries.
Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship
Home page for Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, an electronic journal from the Science and Technology Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries.
Journal of Digital Contents (JDC)
International quarterly journal about the management, presentation and uses of contents in digital environments.
Journal of Digital Information
A peer reviewed e-journal focusing on information in digital environments. Supported by the British Computer Society and Oxford University Press.
Journal of Electronic Publishing
Articles with archives about electronic publishing.
Journal of Information Law and Technology
Published by the Universities of Warwick and Strathclyde in the United Kingdom.
Journal of the American Society for Information Sc
Flagship publication of the American Society for Information Science available online or in print by subscription. Links to tables of contents and brief abstracts from 1992 to present.
Law Library Journal
Official journal of the American Association of Law Libraries. Includes subscription information and links to selected articles from 2000 to the present.
Libraries and Culture
A print based journal that explores the significance of libraries; their creation, organization and preservation in the context of cultural and social history.
Library and Information Update
Monthly magazine of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. Includes selected articles from past issues.
Library Hi Tech
A quarterly, peer reviewed, scholarly journal on computing and technology for library scientists. Links to subscription information, submission guidelines and tables of contents for past issues.
Library Journal Digital
Library Journal's online edition. Features current news about libraries and librarians. Includes job opportunities.
Library Juice
Rory Litwin's library news digest. Includes announcements, web resources, calls for papers, and news affecting the library world. Available online or by e-mail subscription.
Library Philosophy and Practice
Peer reviewed online journal specializing in applied library science research. Articles available for downloading in PDF form. Links to guidelines for submission.
Library Quarterly
Prestigious print journal of scholarly research from The University of Chicago Press. Subscription information, submission guidelines, tables of contents from 1996 to the present and general information.
Library Resources & Technical Services
Details about the journal including information on subscribing and submitting articles.
LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research J
International, peer reviewed, online journal devoted to new research in Library and Information Science.
Blake Carver's online Library and Information Science News Digest. Apropos articles culled from a variety of sources. Links, polls, submission guidelines and email updates.
Marginal Librarian
E-zine features articles and opinions from the McGill Library and Information Studies Student Association. Includes links to past issues.
MC Journal: The Journal of Academic Media Libraria
A peer-reviewed online journal for practical and scholarly information concerning academic media librarianship.
Mississippi Libraries
Official publication of the Mississippi Library Association. Links to full text from 2000 to the present.
MLA Forum
Online journal of the Michigan Library Association. Includes articles and book reviews.
MLS: Marketing Library Services
A marketing information geared specifically towards librarians. Lists subscription information and contents of previous issues.
MSRRT Newsletter: Library Alternatives
Online publication for library from the Minnesota Library Association's Social Responsibilities Round Table. Issues from 1996 to present.
New Review of Information and Library Research
Annual print review designed for information professionals pertaining to the impact of contemporary information research on information and library services. Subscription information, submission guidelines and current tables of contents.
NewBreed Librarian
Intended to foster a sense of community for those new to librarianship: daily news, feature articles, advice and links to financial aid, grad schools, and jobs.
Portal: Libraries and the Academy
Research journal covering technology, publishing, and periodicals.
Progressive Librarian
Semi annual print journal of the Progressive Librarians Guild. A forum for critical perspectives in Librarianship, featuring articles, book reviews, bibliographies, reports and documents that explore progressive perspectives on librarianship and information issues. Information on Guild membership, submission guidelines, tables of contents and the cover of the current issue.
Russian Digital Libraries Journal
Electronic journal containing information on research and use of digital libraries.
School Library Journal Online
Online version of the print publication. Features current news about school libraries and librarians. Includes job opportunities.
Searcher: The Magazine for Database Professionals
Print based journal with 10 issues annually. Tables of contents and some full text available online along with subscription and submission information.
simile: Studies in media and information literacy
A peer reviewed online journal from University of Toronto Press. Features scholarly articles pertaining to bibliographic instruction and information and media literacy.
Teacher Librarian: The Journal for School Library
Offers access to selected past articles, reviews of books and software for resource centers, as well as links to online resources.
The Public-Access Computer Systems Review
Online journal about end-user computer systems in libraries from University of Houston Libraries. Full text available from 1990 to present. Includes author/ subject index and submission guidelines.
The Unabashed Librarian
A print newsletter featuring advice, reports from the field, and do-it-yourself projects. Current table of contents, submission guidelines and subscription information.
The Wired Librarian's Newsletter
Advice on the implementation of microcomputers in libraries. In publication since 1983.
Transactions on Information Systems
The official publication of the Association for Computing Machinery. Available online or in print. Includes links to an extensive digital library and subscription information.