All about Trademarks
Large list of links to publications about trademarks, including links for lawyers. Information on state, federal, international, and internet marks, FAQs about copyrights.
ARL:Copyright and Intellectual Property?
Documents and links from the Association of Research Libraries. Read about recent Federal laws regarding copyrights and trademarks.
CCH Australia: Intellectial Property
Provides copyright and legal resources on Australian copyright law.
Center for Intellectual Property and Copyright in
Provides resources and workshops for the higher education community on IP and copyright in the digital environment, emphasis on law, and policy relating to distance education.
Consumer Project on Technology
More than half the listings treat intellectual property. Topics include patents, access to patented drugs, links to summaries and position papers, resources for intellectual property law (domestic and international), and select internet resources.
Copyright and Intellectual Property
Links to major resources in the area of copyright and intellectual property, provided by the American Library Association.
Copyright Considerations
University of Iowa site on copyright, fair use, public domain, and copyright impact on a variety of campus services.
Copyright Resources on the Internet
An annotated meta-index of copyright sites for educators and generalists alike. From the Groton (CT) Public School District.
Copyright Resources Online
Includes annotated lists of university and non-university resources, primarily for the US and Canada.
Electronic Freedom Forum Intellectual Property Arc
An archive of papers on Intellectual Property, including some of the main legal documents and the criticisms of them. Annotated, with contributions by many notable authors, including Pamela Samuelson, and Arthur Levine.
Intellectual Property in Cyberspace -- Library Cat
Harvard Law's online library of materials pertaining to intellectual property, divided into topics. Bibliographies for online and offline papers. Topics include domain names, linking, framing, and metatags.
Intellectual Property Mall
Links to a unique collection of intellectual property resources provided by the Franklin Pierce Law Center and others. Comprehensive. It is intended to offer "one stop shopping" for intellectual property professionals in academia, business and science, as well as for inventors and entrepreneurs.
Legal Information Institute
Cited as 'the most linked to web resource in the field of law' and as the best starting place. Resource for law, including full-text Constitutional, U. S. Code, court opinions, and summaries. Searchable, with overviews provided for specific areas of intellectual property law.
Liblicense: Licensing Digital Information
a listserv, with searchable archive, at Yale University. Most important is the free downloadable software that can be used to help draft library licenses and contracts.
Libraries in Today's Digital Age: The Copyrig
Article on how libraries are facing new challenges relating to copyright in the new digital age.
Library Juice Copyright Issue
Sept. 13 2000 issue, articles on copyright. Good access via abstracts, hyperlinked to papers. Some are academic, some are practical "how to". Not exhaustive, but a good collection on a wide variety of copyright issues.
Information on patents and trade secrets from a legal publisher.
Patent Cafe -
Intellectual property directories, information, advice and community networking.
Patent and trademark library, sponsored by the City of Sunnyvale and the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Stanford Copyright & Fair Use
Information and study aids concerning copyright law. Searchable by keyword. Provided by Stanford University Libraries.
The UT System Crash Course in Copyright
Comprehensive coverage of copyright compliance decision-making, including estimating fair use, determining who possesses copyright of a work, copyright and digitization, library exemptions, the UT-System Rules of Thumb for electronic reserves, and online materials from UT System copyright presentations.
U.S. Copyright Office, Rulemaking on Exemptions fr
Library exemptions from the DMCA copyright "anticircumvention" provisions, the ruling by the Librarian of Congress and the Register of Copyrights (October 28 2000).
When Works Pass into the Public Domain
A chart prepared by University of North Carolina law library director Laura Gasaway to help in making the determination whether a work remains copyright-protected in the US.
World Intellectual Property Organization
WIPO is responsible for the promotion of the protection of intellectual property throughout the world through cooperation among States, and for the administration of various multilateral treaties dealing with the legal and administrative aspects of intellectual property.
Yahoo! News, Intellectual Property
Yahoo!'s links to current articles on Intellectual Property, updated very frequently. This is a business category, and the links to related web-pages reflect that angle. Not a wide selection, but a good place to find breaking news.