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British Columbia Library Association Jobpage
Library-related positions in British Columbia.
Canadian Library Association : Library Careers - J
Library job opportunities in Canada.
Foothills Library Association Job Line
Library employment opportunities primarily in Calgary, Alberta, and the surrounding area, as well as the rest of the Prairie Provinces, British Columbia and the North. The list is updated weekly.
JobSite - Faculty of Information Studies, Universi
Job resources for librarians, information specialists, and archivists in Canada and the United States.
Manitoba Library Association Jobs and Job Sites
Provides a list of library job opportunities in Manitoba and a list of other employment resources in the U.S. and Canada.
Quebec Library Jobs and Resources
Library employment sites and job listings from the Quebec Library Association.
Saskatchewan Association of Library Technicians --
Library technician job opportunities in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Library Association Job Postings
Library job opportunities in Saskatchewan.
University of Guelph Workstudy Library Jobs List
Workstudy opportunities in the libraries of the University of Guelph.
University of Western Ontario: Faculty of Informat
Job lists and resources for Library, information science and journalism in Canada and the United States.