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A collaborative project, led by experts in both Topic Maps and beer.
Business Maps
A topic map ontology for interoperability of B2B applications, presented by Marc de Graauw.
K-Discovery Project
A project from Groupware Competence Center, University of Paderborn, Germany. Introduces conceptual framework, architecture and implementation approach, to create knowledge structures based on topic maps in organizational memories.
Organizing CPAN with Topic Maps
This project is an attempt to improve the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network using topic maps.
Publicly Available Topic Maps
A registry of downloadable XTM files, maintained by Jan Algermissen.
Techquila's Topic Map World
A topic map of the topic map world: people, concepts, tools, organizations, languages, and software.
TEI and Topic Maps
Application of topic maps to describe texts of the 10th-13th centuries Chinese Chan-School.
The Semantopic Map
A directory of Semantic Web, Topic Maps and other related topics, in a topic map form.
Topic Maps - A Practical Introduction With Case St
Publishing Solutions, Web Application Developments, Open Source Efforts, presented by Kal Ahmed, Techquila.
Topic Maps for the Virtual Observatory
An application of Topic Maps to astronomical data, developed by a CalTech team.
Topic Maps in Multimedia Applications
A demonstration of metadata interoperability between MPEG-7 and XTM.
Wilde's WWW Online Glossary
A Glossary of XML terms, organized in a Topic Map form.
WORDS: Executable English Vocabulary
Interactive modeling and scripting language that aims to capture the semantics of English words and names.
XMLAD Topic Map
A project to collect and publish information about the various acronyms prevalent within the XML technology.