Common Sense Problem Page
Corpus of challenging problems for the representation of commonsense knowledge.
Enabling Technology For Knowledge Sharing
An article published in AI Magazine in 1991, describing ontology-driven knowledge base architectures.
Knowledge Engineering Part A
Lecture notes on knowledge representation, featuring philosophical and psychological basis, conceptual graphs, reasoning and computation. Dickson Lukose, The University of New England, July 1996.
Networked Knowledge Representation and Exchange us
Proposes the use of the Unified Modeling Language for modelling ontologies for Web resources and the knowledge contained within them. [S.Cranefield, 2001, Journal of Digital information]
Organizing Thoughts into Sequences, Hierarchies, a
Presents criteria for defining sequences, hierarchies, and networks (SHN) for organizing thoughts. [A.Kulikauskas and S.Maskeliunas, 1999]
What is a Knowledge Representation?
An introductory critical paper by R. Davis, H. Shrobe, and P. Szolovits in AI Magazine - 1993