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AT&T Information Visualization
One of the first research center to focus on the topic of information visualization. Led by Steve North.
BAILANDO at UC Berkeley
The goal of these projects to make access to information seem as graceful and effortless as the dances that we have named our projects after. That is, we want to provide BAILANDO or "Better Access to Information using Language Analysis and New Displays and Organizations".
Communications Research Group, University of Notti
The group was formed in 1986 with the goal of investigating support for human communications through computer communications
CROMDI at University of Utah
The Center for the Representation of Multi-Dimensional Information (CROMDI) at the University of Utah is an interdisciplinary team dedicated to the innovative representation of information, comprised of experts of Arts, Architecture, Communication, Computer Science, Mathematics, Music, Psychology, Medicine, Anesthesia, BioEngineering, Finance.
Fred Vernier's Interactive Information Visual
FiCell, ParANT, and other projects. Features free applets.
Information Interfaces lab at Georgia Tech
Led by John Stasko. Main area is software visualization and animation, but many interesting projects in general information visualization too.
Information visualization and sonorification
Research project from The Union of International Associations (UIA), Belgium.
Information Visualization at PNNL
Details about technologies in information visualization at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Includes graphics and published papers.
Information Visualization at the University of Mar
Research laboratory led by Ben Shneiderman, which has hosted many leading works on information visualization, such as treemaps and starfield displays.
Information Visualization at UMBC
Research program from University of Maryland Baltimore County.
Information Visualization at University of Texas -
Includes information on an Information Explorer and a Document Explorer. Led by R.H. Folwler.
Information Visualization research at University o
Our research has several themes ranging from cognitive issues, data exploration, visual queries, visualization of WWW search results, to data mining, and from user interface techniques to problems concerning automatic layouts.
InfoVis Lab at University of Indiana
Started in 2000. Led by Katy Börner.
InfoVis Toolkit
by Jean-Daniel Fekete at INRIA Futurs, Orsay, France.
InfoViz at Potsdam
The research group Visualization of Dataspaces was established in October 1996 at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam, Germany.
Internet Mapping Project at Lumeta
The long-term goal of the project is to acquire and save Internet topological data over a long period of time. Includes many widely known visualizations of the internet.
ISR - Information Visualization
University of California at Irvine, Institute for Software Research. Research group led by Paul Dourish.
The Java Universal Network/Graph Framework is a software library that provides a common and extendible language for the modeling, analysis, and visualization of data that can be represented as a graph or network.
Laboratory for Information Visualization and Evalu
Led by Chris North.
PLAY projects: Information Visualization
Ongoing Projects from Matthew Chalmers team.
A user interface toolkit in Java for building highly interactive visualizations of structured and unstructured data.
The Acquisition of Insight by Bob Spence
A long article on the work of one of the lead researchers in the domain.
The SAGE Visualization Group
Explanations of the SAGE, SDM, Visage, Autobrief and VQE systems and their applications.
The Vivid Research Centre
The Vivid group brings together researchers from related fields in order to pursue high quality research in the area of human-computer interaction.
Visualisation of statistics in computer games
the project deals with the impartment of statistical connections with the help of the mass medium computer game.
Visualization and usability group at NIST
VUG conducts research in information visualization, virtual environments, related HCI technologies, and the evaluation of these technologies. Group led by Sharon Laskowski.
Xerox PARC UIR Information Visualization
Web site of the team that coined the term Information Visualization in 1991.
XmdvTool Development Project
Public-domain software package for the interactive visual exploration of multivariate data sets. It supports four methods for displaying flat form data and hierarchically clustered data: Scatterplots, Star Glyphs, Parallel Coordinates and Dimensional Stacking.