english deutsch
Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizati, IT Asset and Configuration Management Toolkit, Virtual Monopoly
Business Intelligence
Business and Companies, Software, Business Intelligence - How Agencies Can Breathe N, Business Intelligence Toolbox, Business Intelligence Value Chain, Business Intelligence.com, CRM Today - Business Intelligence, ITtoolbox Business Intelligence, Meeting Industry-Specific Challenges With Business, Montague Institute, Society for Competitive Intelligence Professionals, Strategic Assets
Digital Asset Management
Software and Tools, Canto, Digital Asset Management, Digital Asset Management - The Art of Archiving, Digital Asset Management 101, EContent, Fluuid, Protect Your Digital Brand by Cataloging Existing , The DAM User Community
Learning Organizations
Creating Learning Organizations Through Core Compe, Global Knowledge Innovation Infrastructure, Groupware and Organizational Learning, Information Management for the Intelligent Organiz, Learning Organizations, Learning-Org Dialog on Learning Organizations, Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, Qm2 - Learning Organizations, Society for Organizational Learning, Systems Thinking Primer
Memory Improvement
Memory Palaces, 2Know Mnemonic Software, About Memory, Improve Human Memory Loss - Beat Illiteracy, MemoryZine, MindJava, Mnemosyne, MyBrainTrainer, New Memory Help, Personal Memory Manager (PMM), Photomind
Organizational Memory
A Design for a Group Memory System Using Ontologie, Cerebyte Inc., Chun Wei Choo, Corporate Memories for Knowledge Management in Ind, Knowledge and Power, Organisational Memory Systems using Ontologies
Harvesting Knowledge from the Organization's
Presents different methods that can be employed to harvest the knowledge below the document level. By Eric Freese. [PDF]
Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling for Corporate M
Examines the steps of the knowledge capitalization process in a metallurgical domain, focusing on general characteristics which seem to be reusable for other knowledge capitalization systems. By Gaële Simon.
Management Responsibility in Protecting Informatio
Discusses the role and responsibility of management in acting in the best interest of the company in the information age. By Adrian McCullagh.
Measuring Intellectual Assets
Twelve techniques used to value intangible assets. By Jean Graef.
Securing Your Organization's Information Asse
Examines the tools and techniques that help organizations gain and maintain control of the problem of effectively securing their information assets. By Bill Brykczynski and Bob Small in Crosstalk.
Social Capital
An introduction for a doctoral seminar about Systems and Social Capital. By Michael B. Spring.