english deutsch
Language Learning
A-1 Languages Educational Language Learning Progra, AlphaSoft, AndeanWinds, Cantos Para Todos, Champs-Elysees, Grupo CAÑAVERAL, Maria Oliveira's Language Learning, MUZZY, Oh Là Là Sing Your Way to French, Verbal Advantage
Special Education
Belle Curve, Captioned Media Program for the Deaf, CerforMedia, Special Kids Learning Resource Network
American Mint
Features a video documentary: The History and Making of Peppermint and Spearmint oils.
Appleseed Productions
Produces educational and training videos for high schools, colleges, and universities.
CHAPPY: Children Helping Achieve Planet Preservati
Free educational software package that allows school children and the general public to carry out an audit of their lifestyle, which provides and indicator of their relative sustainability. Includes screenshots, downloads, and workbooks.
Creative Education Videos
Products more than 500 titles on 70 topics within the areas of agri-science, family and consumer sciences, and technology and industrial education.
Cress Company
Student career guidance and career motivation planner CD-ROM, educational videos, and school-to-work comic books for parents and teachers.
Cricket Science
Offers educational products that range from a video about the butterflies of Yellowstone to living Madagascar hissing cockroaches.
DidaktEkon AB
Offers a management accounting video course in Russian.
Discover Films Video
Producer of educational videos for teachers and educators on a range of topics, from drug and alcohol abuse to teen dating violence.
Educational Record Center
Markets children's media for schools and libraries. More than 5,000 titles available.
Features a wide range of educational software and audiobooks.
Effective Teaching in Higher Education
Videotapes feature techniques used by math, science, and engineering professors at Stanford University to increase lecturing effectiveness in large classes.
EME Science
offers software and video programs featuring an interactive open approach to discovering and mastering science and math concepts.
Film Ideas
Nationwide distributor/producer of award-winning educational videos
Offers interactive educational and corporate training software.
Funky Fish Music
Offers a variety of music products and services including educational music resources, church music resources, composing, arranging, transcription and copying services.
Future School
Offers an Interactive Educational Program for K-12 Math, English and French (2nd Language) on CD and video.
CD collections of original songs for teaching math, geography, grammar and science to school children.
Kevin Trudeau's Mega Products
Audio and video educational programs provide help with math, memory, and language skills.
Knowledge Products Educational Audio Books
Markets more than 100 titles on a variety of topics.
Launchpad Multimedia
Developer of educational multimedia resources for schools, universities and governments. Interactive and engaging simulations and learning resources.
Library Video Company
Instructional media distributor of educational videos, CD-ROMs, DVDs, audiobooks.
LittleFingers Online
Provides educational software for grades pre-K through 5, the LittleFingers Quiz Club for educators and their students, shockwave games and grade-specific interactive quizzes.
McLean Media's Storyline
Offers information about educational software and video titles, with links to sites related to California history, women in science, and family literacy. Also includes online science stories and activities featuring the adventures of Zink and Ralph.
Markets educational videos for children.
New Day Films
Distribution collective of documentary and educational filmmakers with over 100 titles.
Paideia Productions, LLC
Provides educational video tapes for children grades 4-7 entitled Teaching Children Science.
PBS Video for Teachers
Online catalog of more than 1,000 PBS educational titles organized by subject area or searchable by specific titles.
Penn State Public Broadcasting Media Sales Catalog
Markets educational video, audio, and cd-rom products.
Practitioner Developed Educational/Counseling Reso
Ready-to-use video-driven conflict resolution, social skills and discipline training programs.
Offers a sentence building game in both board game and CD-ROM form. UK based.
Stossel in the Classroom
ABC News Correspondent John Stossel video kits complete with teacher and student study guides.
Teaching Tape Technology
A broad offering of teaching videos designed especially for home schoolers. We specialize in a unique offering of Saxon Math Videos.
Thameside International
Audio package designed to boost sales performance.
The American Testimony
Video collection covers various periods from the nation's past.
The Idea Channel
Markets video-taped conversations by and between the world's leading thinkers.
The Pumpkin Circle
Educational video and activities.
The School Company
Producer of career-oriented videos, posters, CD-ROMs, and software.
The Teaching Company
College-level not-for-credit courses taught in audio and video formats.
The World Learning Institute
Offers a range of courses available in chemistry and biology. These include a text, question database and automatic analysis tools.
TMW Media Group
Markets large collection of educational videos.
Upper Midwest Videos
Educational videos ideally suited for elementary through high school classrooms, museums, and libraries featuring Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Video Placement Worldwide
Offers free sponsored educational videos and print materials to teachers, librarians, and group leaders in the United States.
Wonderwise: Women in Science
Features a series of science learning kits that help teach children about science careers for women. The kits feature videos, cd-roms, and activity books.