english deutsch
Centre for Action Research in Professional Practic
Concerned with approaches to action research that integrate action and reflection and collaboration; aims include helping practitioners develop skills of reflective practice and communities of inquiry.
Classroom Case Studies
Guidelines for doing classroom-based research on students' learning.
Critical and Creative Thinking Program
Interdisciplinary graduate program at UMass Boston providing its students with an understanding of critical thinking and creativity, and with ways of helping others develop these processes in a variety of educational, professional, and social situations. The program appeals to reflective practitioners who want to transform their schools, workplaces and lives and are interested to learn from other students whose interests and backgrounds are diverse.
Helping Early Childhood Teacher Education Students
Learn about how librarians can teach early childhood education students about the Internet and World Wide Web.
Resource Based Learning Online
Workshops, presentations and other professional development resources related to resource based learning and information literacy.