english deutsch
"I Don't Know. Let's Do the Experim
Hands-on, inquiry science resource for learning about and doing science, and teaching optics, cells, and DNA.
Biology Guided Inquiry Learning Environment (BGuIL
Inquiry-based learning environment for high school biology, using computers to support student investigations.
Chickscope 1.5
Students raise chicken embryos in the classroom and obtain magnetic resonance images through the Internet.
Computer Clubhouse Network
An after-school learning environment where young people explore their own interests and become confident learners through the use of technology. Using the "original" Clubhouse as a model, the Computer Clubhouse Network supports community-based Clubhouses around the world
Developing Inquiring Communities in Education Proj
Practitioners and university-based researchers committed to action research and promoting inquiry as a key mode of learning and teaching.
Illinois Chickscope
A professional development program using the Chickscope approach for P-12 teachers in Illinois.
Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, Off
Promotes collaboration in the innovative use of new technologies in mathematics and science education
Museum in the Classroom
Illinois State Museum and Brookfield Zoo provide online access to museum and zoo collections, data, and expertise. Students from partner schools visit the museum and zoo to take digital images of their holdings and meet with the staffs.
Philosophy for Children
Provides a way to enhance the sense of community that is pivotal to philosophical inquiry in Philosophy for Children; a way to extend community of inquiry beyond the space-time bounds of the classroom; and a way to participate in inquiry on a multitude of levels.
Physics Outreach
A set of projects by the U. of Illinois Physics Department, including Physics Van and Operation Physics, designed to enhance the learning of physics in K-12 classrooms.
Visual Understanding in Education
A non-profit organization that conducts developmentally-based educational research and disseminates its findings. Its mission is to foster cognitive growth through interaction with art images, through specially designed programs for schools and museums.