english deutsch
Amazing Graze Farms
Homesteading, farming, cheesemaking, soapmaking, medicinal herbs, the civil war, bees, and simple living information from the Blubaugh family.
Aryeh's Place
The Kramer family shares its sample daily schedule, Tai Kwan Do, recipes, guns, humor, Hebrew, and spirituality.
Gunther's At Home
David and Rachel share their Christian faith, and homeschooling with autism information.
Home Schooling Daily
Field trip helps, local discounts, printable notification and assessment forms, legal information, notification checklists, support listings, and Ohio FAQs from Columbus-based Augustus family.
Homeschooling the Gentile Way
A homeschooling, adoptive family describes their methods. In addition to the Gentile's education endeavors, learn about their adoption story, and views on the homestudy process.
Jeannie and Harley's Homepage
A Christian homeschool mom shares her homeschooling-a-teen philosophy.
Our Lady of Grace
A Catholic homeschooling family provides a sample daily schedule, free Catholic clipart, and thoughts on education.
Raven's Home of the Quaint and Curious
Read about Raven's journey to homeschooling, her rants and raves, and her Christian faith.
There's No Place Like Home...
Karen explains why there is no place like home... for school, and how unschooling fits her family.