Yahoo! Groups: Carteret_HS
An inclusive email list to share events and resources in the greater Carteret area.
Yahoo! Groups: GIFTSNC
An unmoderated list for parents who homeschool children with physical, developmental, medical, communication or learning challenges.
Yahoo! Groups: K12NC
An egroup for parents using Dr. William Bennett's K12 program as a homeschool.
Yahoo! Groups: NC Loop
An unmoderated inclusive statewide email group.
Yahoo! Groups: NC-HS students
A Christian list for older homeschooled students.
Yahoo! Groups: NCarolinahomeschool
Unmoderated, inclusive Christian email list.
Yahoo! Groups: NCHS_Legislative
A network for NC homeschoolers to address legislative issues affecting homeschooling.
Yahoo! Groups: Piedmont Homeschoolers
An unmoderated email list for all support groups and their members in the greater Piedmont area.
Yahoo! Groups: Spice Line
A Christian based loop which provides information and encouragment to homeschooling families in Raleigh, Durham, or the Triangle area.