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Gentle Hearth
Charlotte Mason education, California links, housekeeping skills, tea party information, domestic arts, recipes, and gentle homemaking advice from the Martinez family.
Hidng Place
Kristin in San Diego shares their family's plan for changing the world, experiences with Wisdom's Way of Learning curriculum, and resource recommendations. From a Christian perspective.
Life to the Fullest
Catholic homeschooling mom, Christina, offers her insights on education, religious and political links.
The Culbreath family website features essays and articles on homeschool, cultural, and religious topics. From a Catholic perspective.
Petz Family School
A Science Lab, Poet's Place, free graphics, an Art Gallery, blank calendar printouts, and details on what the kids are currently working on.
Pontiac High School
Information on getting started, and schooling through the teen years from the Ugulano family.
Pontiac High School
Essays on Homeschooling California Style, Dealing with Authorities, Dealing with Fear, A Typical School Day, Remedial Help, and resources from the Ugulano family.
TeaRose's Home on the Web
Yvette's homemaking, sewing, and homeschooling page. Information on Liberty Academy and Konos curriculum.
Waldorf Homeschooling
Homeschooling curriculum support and home teacher consultation for Waldorf-inspired families and initiatives. Based in Aptos.