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Topica Lists: California Pagan Homeschoolers
A place for Pagan Homeschoolers to meet and share ideas with other like minded people.
Yahoo Groups: Ventura County Young Homeschoolers
Inclusive support group for parents of younger (5 and under) homeschoolers, or those thinking about homeschooling, living in the Ventura County area. Find other homeschoolers of similar ages to form friendships, share activities and grow together.
Yahoo! Groups: California Christian Homeschooling
A statewide email list whose purpose is to share activities, prayer requests, advice, concerns, discussions, encouragement, experiences, ideas, information, links, resources, suggestions, and support.
Yahoo! Groups: California Homeschool
An email list for current or potential home educators in the Golden State.
Yahoo! Groups: California Homeschool Network
Homeschooling support for homeschoolers in California.
Yahoo! Groups: Fresno Home Schoolers
An inclusive discussion list.
Yahoo! Groups: Homeschooling in Santa Clarita Vall
An inclusive email list for local support and information sharing.
Yahoo! Groups: Sierra Homeschool Network
An inclusive email list serving families in Nevada, Placer, and Yuba counties.
Yahoo! Groups: Southern California Christian Homes
An email list for the Los Angeles and south areas.
Yahoo! Groups: Ventura County Home Learners
Information pertinent to homeschoolers and home-based education in and around Ventura County.
Yahoo! Groups: Well-Trained Mind San Diego
An online support group for parents in San Diego county educating their children using Susan Wise-Bauer's book, "The Well Trained Mind."